Schedule of Fee’s
Cleary Barker Ltd is remunerated by commission, which typically ranges from 0% to 20% and/or professional fees. Work done or advice given if not remunerated by commission will generate a fee. Where a policy is cancelled after renewal a minimum fee equivalent to the commission will be charged. Fees are charged on a time spent and disbursements basis. Our hourly rates are €300.00 for directors and consultants and €100.00 for support staff. In determining the rate and any additional charges, factors such as specialist skills, complexity, value risk and urgency will be taken into account. You have the option to pay for our services in full by means of an agreed fee which would be greater than our normal Charges as outlined in this document and in such event no commission would be taken by us from the Product Producer. Where charges differ from those outlined above, they will be advised to you in writing before the service is provided
Amendments to policy- Home + Motor
Amendments to policy- Commercial
10% (Min €50)
Credit Card Payments
Debit Card Payments
Non Commission Products
up to 25%
Personal Accident
Health Insurance
Effective Date: 19th January 2015